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International solidarity with draft and military resisters

Draftees of the World, Unite!
[Poster by Carlos A. Cortez for the IWW, c. 1965]

This site is primarily about the draft (military conscription or compulsory military service) and draft resistance in the USA. But we support and stand in solidarity with all draft and military resisters, deserters, exiles, and asylum seekers around the world, including those in and from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Israel.

We support all nonviolent forms of draft and military resistance and evasion of conscription, in the USA and around the world.

Note that you may be subject to military conscription in any country in which you reside or of which you are a citizen. Dual or multiple citizens, or people living outside the country of their citizenship, may be subject to the draft in more than one country. This has often been a source of resistance and international conflict, in the U.S. and other countries. One of the causes of the War of 1812 between the U.S. and the U.K., for example, was that the U.K. considered men born in the U.K., but who had become U.S., citizens, still to be U.K. citizens and subject for life to British military conscription, including snatching by British Navy “press gangs”. A 1930 treaty to which the U.S. is a party limits the liability of dual citizens to being drafted in more than one country, in certain cases, but many countries aren’t parties to this treaty.

Almost all young men who either live in the U.S. (even if they have only non-U.S. citizenship) or have U.S. citizenship (including U.S. citizens residing abroad, and including dual or multiple citizerns of the U.S. and other countries) are required by U.S. law to register with the U.S. Selective Service System. See this information about the U.S. draft for immigrants and foreigners in the U.S.

We welcome suggestions of additional resources, especially for counseling and/or legal assistance for draft and military resisters in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Israel.

Советы призывникам в России, Украине и Белоруссии
(advice for draftees/conscripts in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus)

International campaigns for asylum for draft and military resisters and deserters from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus:

We advocate for asylum for all draft and military resisters. But be warned: Many draft resisters from Russia seeking asylum in the USA have had their asylum claims denied, or have been detained for many months, under difficult conditions, while their claims were being considered, as discussed in this article in the New York Times.

Draft registration and the system of conscription in Russia:

Conscription in Ukraine:

News about asylum for draft resisters from Russia and Ukraine:

Draft resistance in Israel:

Other international organizations supporting draft resisters worldwide:

[Reinhard Mey & Freunde, Nein, meine Söhne geb’ ich nicht (“No, I will not give my sons”), music video with English subtitles.]

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Subscribe to e-mail updates about the draft, draft registration, and draft resistance. QR codeWar Resisters League 100, 1923-2023

This page published or republished here 30 July 2022; most recently modified 27 April 2024. This site is maintained by Edward Hasbrouck. Corrections, contributions (articles, graphics, photos, videos, links, etc.), and feedback are welcomed.