Edward Hasbrouck, The Practical Nomad; caricature by Rhoda Draws
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My Privacy Practices and Promises

This Web site, blog, e-mail newsletter, and mailing lists are maintained by Edward Hasbrouck. I’m an outspoken privacy advocate, and I try to practice what I preach.

(I think what people do matters more than what they say, which is why I talk about practices and promises rather than policies. Many Web sites and services have privacy “policies” that don’t describe their actual practices. And most privacy policies, if you read the fine print, are non-binding and don’t really make any promises. I will try to do better. I’m open to your suggestions for improvement.)

In consideration of your giving me your e-mail address, I promise to use your e-mail address only to send my e-mail newsletter or messages to whichever mailing list(s) you have asked to subscribe to. If you ask to unsubscribe, I promise to honor your request.

My Web site is hosted in Canada by EasyDNS, but most requests for Web pages on my site are proxied by Cloudflare. Cloudflare has reverse proxy servers in many countries. Cloudflare’s visitor log retention practices are governed by Cloudflare’s privacy policy and discussed in its transparency report.

For traffic proxied by Cloudflare, I use Cloudflare Analytics to learn which pages on my Web site are being visited. Cloudflare Analytics does not set cookies or track visitors across sites.

I do not use Google Analytics, even though I am ineligible for membership in the Society of American Travel Writers because SATW requires Web publishers to use Google Analytics to show that their sites get enough traffic to qualify for membership.

My e-mail is stored in encrypted form in the USA and sent and received through EasyDNS servers in Ontario, Canada. My e-mail newsletter and other mailing lists are hosted by Mailmanlists.net on servers in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with backups in Switzerland.

The privacy of information concerning visitors to this Web site and subscribers to my announcement and discussion mailing lists and e-mail newsletter is protected by the the laws of Canada, the European Union, and the Netherlands, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Because I administer this site mostly from the USA, however, e-mail addresses of newsletter subscribers and any information included in e-mail sent to me is routinely transferred from servers in Canada to me in the USA. If you don’t consent to having whatever information you provide transferred to me in the USA, don’t subscribe to my e-mail newsletter, and don’t send me e-mail.

If you wish to exercise any of your rights under PIPEDA and/or the GDPR with respect to any personal information I have about you, please contact me directly. I’m sometimes travelling and out of touch for extended periods of time, but I will attempt to respond to your request as fully and promptly as possible.

I do not knowingly share addresses with my publishers, clients, or employers. I have never sold, rented, “shared”, or knowingly disclosed any e-mail addresses from my mailing lists to anyone. I will never do so except under duress, and I will vigorously contest any attempt to compel me to do so or to prohibit me from publicizing any such demand. I warrant under penalty of perjury that neither I nor, to the best of my knowledge and belief, any other person or entity with access to data collected through this Web site has ever received a subpoena, search warrant, “National Security Letter”, or other legal demand or order for disclosure of any such data, or any “gag order” restricting my ability to disclose such an order.

I understand and intend that visitors to this site should be able to, and will, rely on this statement as part of the basis for their decision of whether to visit any portion of this Web site, subscribe to my e-mail newsletter, send me e-mail, or provide other information. In consideration of your willingness to visit, subscribe, and/or provide other information, and because I believe it is the proper and ethical course of action, I pledge that I will update this page as soon as possible, and I will attempt to notify any individuals whose e-mail addresses are divulged, if I am ever forced to divulge any e-mail addresses from this list, or if I become aware that the security of the list or data concerning Web site visitors has been compromised.

Any attempt to prevent me from updating this Web page in such an event would be an attempt to coerce me to commit perjury and fraud. It would also be a violation of my freedom of speech and an attempt to coerce me to utter false statements to each visitor to this Web page.

You can remove your e-mail address from my mailing list at any time by following the link in each message.

You can also unsubscribe by sending me an e-mail message (it’s easiest for me if you forward the list message, in raw form including all headers, so I can tell to which list and at what e-mail address you were subscribed) at “unsubscribe@hasbrouck.org”.

This Web site is served using encrypted HTTPS, using a Let’s Encrypt signed certificate, not a self-signed certificate. All content from me on this site is served over an encrypted connection. However, there are embedded images, videos, and ads on a few of my Web pages that are served from other unencrypted sites. So if your Web browser is set to block unencrypted content on “mixed” Web pages (some browsers are set this way by default), you may not see some images, videos, and ads.

I use cookies on this Web site only if you register as a commenter on my blog, if you sign in to manage settings for subscriptions to mailing lists, or if you click on some advertisements. That’s how I get paid by advertisers. You can view everything on this site without accepting cookies except some embedded images, videos, and ads served by other sites.

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

Bon voyage!

Edward Hasbrouck

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"Don't believe anything just because you read it on the Internet. Anyone can say anything on the Internet, and they do. The Internet is the most effective medium in history for the rapid global propagation of rumor, myth, and false information." (From The Practical Nomad Guide to the Online Travel Marketplace, 2001)

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This page published or republished here 1 January 2001; most recently modified 6 July 2023. Copyright © 1991-2024 Edward Hasbrouck, except as noted. ORCID 0000-0001-9698-7556. Mirroring, syndication, and/or archiving of this Web site for purposes of redistribution, or use of information from this site to send unsolicited bulk e-mail or any SMS messages, is prohibited.